Music Player

How To Make It In Music By Eliminating Your “Risk”

How is it that many people cannot seem to achieve success as professional musicians, while some people quickly build and develop highly successful music careers? One of the ideas that I continually stress in my articles is how your success as a professional musician is directly related to your ability to build value while minimizing risk (if you are not familiar with this concept, take this music career success building test now

Music Industry Lies That Damage Your Music Career

Music Career Myth #1: You have to be around 21 years old to have a chance in music. Reality: In the music business, few successful companies care that much about your age. In reality, there are tons of pro musicians in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Your age won’t matter unless you really want it to. The music industry functions just the same as any other business. You can become

Best Potential Topics for Your Research Paper About Music

Music is more interesting than science and math because it’s more actionable. It’s something you feel. This is also greatly advantageous because the number of research topics you have to work with is also large and varied. No doubt, music is a great career option and students are more inclined towards it more than ever. If you’re one for the complexities of theory and math, why not do even that? Here are the