August 2023

How To Make It In Music By Eliminating Your “Risk”

How is it that many people cannot seem to achieve success as professional musicians, while some people quickly build and develop highly successful music careers? One of the ideas that I continually stress in my articles is how your success as a professional musician is directly related to your ability to build value while minimizing risk (if you are not familiar with this concept, take this music career success building test now

Consumer Information on mp3-players

Portable MP3 players store digital music in their internal memories, on removable storage media, or a combination of both. You don’t buy prerecorded discs or tapes, but instead, create your own digital files on a computer using software often supplied with a player. You can convert music from your favorite audio CDs, tapes, and even records to digital files–a process known as ripping–or download music from the Internet. In either case